Men’s Victorian Costumes For Hire

Men's Victorian Fancy Dress and Theatrical Costumes

Oliver! | Les Miserables | Little Women | Jane Eyre | Jekyll And Hyde | Queen Victoria | Prince Albert | Brunel | Music Hall | Crinoline | Top Hat

This is a huge section, officially covering from 1837 to 1901. However, from a costume perspective, most people consider ‘Victorian’ to be the period from 1850 when Crinoline petticoats became popular. To begin with, gentlemen continued to wear the cutaway coat, but more normally with trousers rather than breeches (unless riding).
Later, the crinoline gave way to the bustle, while gentlemen went into frock coats with cravats. Black tail coats were worn for balls or evening functions. This was the time when music halls became hugely popular.

We have a range of outfits including: servantsgentlemen and chimney sweeps!

Click a thumbnail to view larger images - these are just a small selection of what we have in store - please call 01371 875 545