Men’s Georgian Costumes For Hire

Men's Georgian Fancy Dress and Theatrical Costumes

Dick Turpin | Zorro | Sweeny Todd | Beau Brummel | Napoleon | Nelson | Poldark | Pirates | French Revolution | Tricorn hats | Cloaks | Boots |

We have some early Georgian costumes (circa 1750) but most are later, from 1750 through to the Regency period.

The Georgian style was coats for men, with long waistcoats, breeches and lace at the throat and wrist. Wigs were very fashionable for both men and ladies. Apart from nobility, we also have working class costumes, and characters.

We are trying to add photos all the time, but we still have far more costumes than are shown here.

Click a thumbnail to view larger images - these are just a small selection of what we have in store - please call 01371 875 545