Womens Western Fancy Dress and Theatrical Costumes

Womens Western Fancy Dress and Theatrical Costumes

Calamity Jane | Pocohontas | Squaws | Saloon Girls | Cow Girls | Country And Western | Gone With The Wind | Little House On The Prairie | Oklahoma | Cowgirl Boots | Cowgirl Hats | Wild West | Lace Up Boots | Feather Boas | Guns

Ye-Ha! Dust off your denim jeans and come and hire the rest….
We have checked or embroidered shirts, waistcoats, boots and hats or you can go for something more exciting … corsets, fishnets, a gun in your garter and feathers on your head. We can also supply the dress or skirt!

Click a thumbnail to view larger images - these are just a small selection of what we have in store - please call 01371 875 545